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USGS Annual Groundwater Table Data

USGS Annual Groundwater Table Data
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(recording now available)

A summary of the annual study of aquifer water table levels in our region was recently presented by Mr. Jason Ramage of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as part of the Going GREEN Lecture Series by The Woodlands GREEN.

The USGS has been monitoring groundwater table levels in hundreds of water wells in our region for more than 40 years; wells that supply drinking water for much of Montgomery County. This presentation covered current regional water-level altitudes in the Gulf Coast Aquifer system for the Houston-Galveston region, including Montgomery County. In addition, short and long-term changes in water-levels as well as subsidence, as measured by extensometers across the region, were covered.

Recording available on The Woodlands GREEN YouTube Channel: Going Green Sustainability Lecture: USGS Annual Groundwater Table Data – YouTube

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