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Defined irrigation schedule

The defined irrigation schedule is an ongoing program in The Woodlands de-signed to reduce irrigation water consumption. It is NOT a temporary drought program.

Even Addresses Odd Addresses
(Addresses ending in 0,2,4,6,8) are allowed to irrigate lawns from 8 p.m. Wednesday to 6 a.m. Thursday and from 8 p.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday.
(Addresses ending in 1,3,5,7,9) are allowed to irrigate lawns from 8 p.m. Tuesday to 6 a.m. Wednesday and from 8 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Saturday.

The defined irrigation schedule applies to all residences, businesses, schools, public buildings, churches and any other entity within the boundaries of the areas served by Woodlands Water. This includes:

Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
The Woodlands MUD 1
Montgomery County MUD 36
Montgomery County MUD 60
Montgomery County MUD 6
Montgomery County MUD 39
Montgomery County MUD 67
Montgomery County MUD 7
Montgomery County MUD 46
The Woodlands Metro Center MUD
Montgomery County MUD 47

Failure to follow the Defined Irrigation Schedule can result in surcharges on your water bill:

  1. First notification = Acts as a warning
  2. Second notification = $50 surcharge on your water bill
  3. Third notification = $100 charge on your water bill
  4. Fourth notification = $200 charge on your water bill

The Defined Irrigation Schedule only applies to  those residences with programmable irrigation controllers. It does not apply to irrigation by  hand-held hoses, hose-end sprinklers, hand watering or drip irrigation.

Irrigation Variances

Residents or other entities which plan to resod, or are adding new landscaping can obtain a variance to avoid surcharges or warnings. Variances can be obtained here or you may contact Woodlands Water at 281-367-1271 and request one to be emailed to you.

Why do we need a defined irrigation schedule?

We face a groundwater problem in The Woodlands and throughout Montgomery County. Rapid population growth and excess lawn irrigation over the last 20 years have severely impacted our aquifer levels. The water levels in the aquifers we depend on for drinking water have declined at an alarming rate. More water was being pumped from the aquifers than is being replenished by natural recharge.

Although alternate (and more expensive) surface water supplies have been developed and are reducing our dependence on groundwater, we must adopt sensible watering practices not only for the present, but for the future, setting a positive community example of being good stewards of this critical natural resource.

This is the goal of Woodlands Water and your Municipal Utility Districts – not only to safeguard and provide clean, safe drinking water to our residents today, but to make sure that future generations have an adequate supply of the same.

Adding to this is the risk of subsidence, which has affected much of the Houston Metropolitan area, which includes the counties of Montgomery, Harris, Galveston and Fort Bend adversely. Areas around the Houston Ship Channel and other locations have dropped over 10 feet (in some locations 15 feet), making them susceptible to flooding and other problems. The affluent subdivision of Brownwood is actually underwater. The reason for this was excess pumping from the aquifers beneath us for many years, resulting in severe subsidence.

Your MUDs are working to prevent this. In cooperation with San Jacinto River Authority, your MUDs take part in the Montgomery County Groundwater Reduction Plan. Now called the Surface Water Conversion, it brings clean drinking water to our residents here in The Woodlands.

This water only replaces some of the water being drawn from the aquifers. It does, however, allow the water levels in the aquifers to rebound – a prudent and wise plan for our future.

There are currently a little over one-half a million people in Montgomery County. In 20 years, according to population projections developed by the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H), there will be over a million people living in Montgomery County, essentially doubling our population. There are currently over 100,000 people living in The Woodlands, and many more who work here but do not live here. This puts an even greater strain on our water supply systems.

Being good stewards of this vital natural resource benefits all residents of The Woodlands and Montgomery County.

Woodlands Water Weekly
Lawn watering guide, landscaping tips, water-wise resources, and more.
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